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Our Arched uPVC Windows

Arched uPVC windows offer a stylishly traditional look, perfect for those seeking replacement windows in their traditional property, or a classic design within their modern home. With a variety of arched profiles available, ranging from understated true arches to more dramatic Gothic designs, we can bring a touch of elegance to any house.

Every window we produce is fully made-to-measure, allowing us to create irregular or unusually-shaped windows to meet the precise needs of our clients. This attention to detail ensures a seamless fit within any home, boosting aesthetics and offering excellent security.

In addition to their fantastic looks, our arched uPVC windows offer a host of practical benefits. uPVC provides excellent thermal performance, increasing energy efficiency across your home, leading to both financial savings and reduced heat loss. Another clear benefit of uPVC is its low maintenance, allowing you to simply wipe your windows clean.

Whether you’re looking to replace your existing arched windows or embrace a more distinctive look for your property, our arched uPVC windows provide a versatile solution that combines style and functionality.

Peace of Mind Assured With Our Range of Warranties

We understand the essentials of a high-quality uPVC window, designing our range for long-term use whether installed in a traditional countryside property or a modern urban home. By combining a classic design with the latest in security and energy efficiency, we can provide a durable, high-strength product every time. We believe in underlining this commitment to quality with several clear warranties:

  • 10-year warranty on uPVC windows
    10-year warranty on glazing
    5-year warranty on ironmongery and seals

The Benefits of uPVC Windows

Choosing uPVC windows for your home opens you up to a range of benefits, from safety to energy efficiency:

  • Security: We optimise for strength and security across all of our uPVC windows, combining a traditional look with cutting-edge designs to ensure peace of mind for our customers.
  • Insulation: uPVC’s low conductivity helps to minimise heat loss and improve energy efficiency across your home, helping to keep it warm while also reducing energy costs. For those whose windows currently offer a low level of insulation, this can contribute to significant savings long-term.
  • Low Maintenance: uPVC windows require minimal maintenance over time, with no sanding, varnishing, or repainting ever needed. Barring the occasional cleaning with soapy water, you can enjoy your windows uninterrupted.
  • Durability: uPVC is highly durable and resistant to extreme weather conditions, rot, corrosion, and fading from UV exposure, ensuring long-lasting performance.
  • Weather Resistance: Our uPVC windows are weather-resistant and won’t react to water or air, maintaining their integrity and appearance over time.
  • Acoustic Insulation: When uPVC frames are combined with double-glazed panels they can have a pronounced impact on noise pollution, making them a great option for those dealing with a noisy outdoor environment.

Investing in uPVC windows offers you a great look tailored to the dimensions of your home, while also bolstering your security, energy efficiency, and more.

Why Choose Sash Windows London?

Sash Windows London specialises in providing excellent timber and uPVC windows for a variety of properties. We’ve built a sterling reputation over nearly two decades, thanks to our bespoke products, lasting product performance, and our friendly team.

Excellent Service

We’re proud to hold a fantastic reputation with our customers, holding a 4.7 average on Trustpilot. As a family-run company, we understand the importance of being friendly, helpful, and upfront every time. We hold a string of accreditations, from British Safety Council, FENSA, and more.

Bespoke Products

Especially when dealing with older properties it’s crucial to provide windows that are built to meet precise dimensions. Each of our arched uPVC windows is made-to-measure in the UK, ensuring a great look and snug fit regardless of your property.

Fantastic Quality

We aim for nothing less than exceptional quality in every window we produce, backed up by a range of warranties on frames, glazing, and ironmongery. Our arched uPVC windows are designed to fit the aesthetics of a traditional property while offering the kind of insulation, security, and durability you’d expect from a high-end modern window.

Enquire About Our Arched uPVC Windows

Our beautifully crafted arched uPVC windows unite heritage elegance with contemporary functionality. With custom sizing and energy efficiency, these arched windows enhance period properties and modern homes alike.

Don’t compromise on looks or performance. Contact Sash Windows London today for a free survey and quoting. Let our window experts help determine the perfect arched frames to complement your architecture while upgrading your home’s comfort and charm.

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