In the modern day, conservation areas and listed buildings are prevalent across all the boroughs of London For many property owners, this will mean that replacing and renovating features, including windows, is covered by planning regulations.
This professional guide covers everything you need to know about conservation areas, listed buildings and listed building consent. It also covers everything that Sash Windows London can help you with when you need assistance updating your windows in a way that will meet regulatory requirements.
What is a Conservation Area?
The term “conservation area”, typically applies to an area of architectural or historical interest. These are areas which have characteristics considered worthy of preservation or enhancement, and normally include places such as:
- Historic centres of towns and cities
- Rural villages
- Model housing estates
- Historic mining areas
- Historic fishing areas
- Historic transport areas
Conservation areas were introduced as a concept in the 1960s, and now most of the period property stock in the UK falls under the banner of one. Most of London in its entirety is part of a conservation area.
What is the Purpose of a Conservation Area?
The purpose of a conservation area is to protect and enhance the types of properties and areas we have described above. By marking areas out as conservation areas, additional development control is also placed on new works. These ensure they remain in-keeping with the features and essential qualities expected of period properties in the area and preserve the historic appeal.
Conservation Areas and Planning Permission
Any property within a conservation area is subject to the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990. However, this does not always mean that a property owner requires planning permission when replacing or renovating windows.You will be able to replace your windows with new ones, as long as the new windows are “like for like in material and appearance”.
An example of this would be if you were to replace old timber sash windows. The replacements in question would have to be new timber sash windows.
There is one exception to this rule. If a property is covered by an Article 4 Direction, all work will need planning permission in all instances. This includes developments that wouldn’t otherwise require an application and permission to be completed. Generally speaking, planning applications for Article 4 properties will only be approved when the change of windows is “like for like” in style and materials.
Depending on the status of your property as a listed building, you may also require listed building consent to move forward with your planned project.
What is Listed Building Consent?
Listed building consent is required for work on the exterior of listed buildings, and for work on the interiors of listed buildings if it changes the historical and architectural interest of the building. This consent covers all works of demolition, alteration, and extension. It is illegal to not seek out listed building consent when it’s required for a project to move forward.
Not every building within a conservation area is listed, so it is vital that a property owner finds out which regulations apply to their property before beginning a project.
Advice and Assistance with Conservation and Listed Building Consent
Those looking to uphold conservation in their properties will find that we can easily assist, through our stunning selection of Heritage windows and our other professional services.
Heritage windows offer the ideal combination of modern performance and traditional composition, making them any homeowner’s first choice for conservation features. Offered in both timber and timber-alternative uPVC, you will not find a closer replica of windows installed when the property was first built or renovated.
We can also offer a package to those seeking advice and help with conservation. This package will see you working with an appointed in-house architect to take on the applications required. Prices for this package will be discussed with you when you get in touch to ask for assistance in preserving the character and history of your home.
Conserve and Protect Your Property
Sash Windows London.’s Heritage range offers the closest match to original period windows that you will find on the market. Combining this with help from an experienced in-house specialist, you will be doing everything possible to conserve your home, as is required by regulations. Contact us and let us help preserve and protect your property’s historic appeal.